

Architecture is everywhere, love a building, hate a structure, it surrounds us every day, to the point it becomes unseen. In Britain, rows upon rows of identical brown houses disturbed me. In Sydney the mix of old and new excites me. In Auckland I find the repeating white weather board houses monotonous. In New York and London, you can’t help but be mesmerised by the tall and the old respectively, they carry you away.

But never have I seen such colour and imagination as I saw in Barcelona, when I was surrounded by Antoni Gaudi’s creations.

The most stunning is the Sagrada Familia, a cathedral that remains under construction. The interior columns are stone trees reaching for the sky, creating an enchanting canopy. The trees connect me to nature and make feel like I am a part of the cathedral, filled with light and colour.

Gaudi uses the principles of nature in his design, mimicking the structural principles found in plants, trees and other elements. The facades tell different stories – Nativity, the Passion and the Glory, all imagined through incredible sculptural stone work.

With Gaudi, you can see all of his passions working together, architecture, nature and religion. His creations are truly extraordinary and will live on in my imagination a long time to come.

Vision Board Themes: colour, nature, imagination, passions combined






2 thoughts on “Gaudi

    • I was there in 2010, so I bet lots has changed already, but they have 20 years to go before its finished. I am sure it will be surreal by then.

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